Perhaps the biggest challenge for a student that suffers from ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is to keep his calmness and focus during class. You must remember that the difficulty to remain focused and as well the tendency to act in an impulsive manner are what characterizes ADHD.

Students with ADHD may have a hard time in school as they create trouble for them and trouble for other peers as well. They might never have the patience to wait their turn to give an answer and might speak their mind, in detriment of another person speaking. They might develop antisocial behavior during classes and breaks.

Study Tips for Students With ADD/ADHD

Students with ADHD will also fail to follow homework or deliver a complete assignment. Lack of focus can usually be seen in poor school performance and poor test grades. Thus, if for a regular person school is not an ordinary thing, for ADHD student it is a hard struggle to integrate.

What to do to make classes a better experience?

If you are in a group of pupils that have ADHD problems and being in school is rather a difficult thing to achieve, here are some useful tips you can follow to improve your time spent in class:

1. You need the quietest place possible where you can study, this means no distractions at all. If your personal room contains a TV or media gadgets, you might not be able to keep up your focus. You can also try the public library as an environment for study.
The quiet atmosphere found there might help a great deal.

2. A classmate can help you out with your study. Brainstorming and discussing with someone the assignment needed to complete for the class can keep the focus level high.
A classmate can also help you to better understand an individual subject and find solutions together. It is fun and efficient.

3. Have your planner. Tackle the difficulties of keeping in mind all the things you have to do by owning a planner, as this might be the best idea.
In it you can note down everything that is important for you not to forget.

4. Breaks are important. Studying for several hours, straight may not be such a big problem for a regular student. But in the case of ADHD students, breaks are important to release the stress.
You should take 10 minute break session after every 20 minute study session.

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5. Keep your work organized. Use school supplies that will keep your work in one single place. You can use those binders with three large rings, in which you can organize all your work. If one is not enough, make two or three at max.
Holding your work in too many places will not be helpful at all.

6. You should always ask for support from your teacher and parents whenever you have difficulties in understanding the information you receive in class.

7. To make it easy for you, write down all the questions you might have during a class and before it ends, you might ask the teacher the support to answer those questions for you.

8. A small portable recorder might also help, allowing you to record the class and to listen to it over and again, in case you have misunderstandings or forget certain aspects.