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Bumps on Back of Tongue


Your body is a very intricate mechanism. The tongue is a very important muscle that helps us during the feeding process. Yes, it is a muscle in case you didn’t know. It is also very sensitive, being capable of sensing textures and tastes, with the help of taste buds. But what if other bumps appear [...]

Bumps on Back of Tongue2017-04-08T00:30:36+02:00

Risky Drugs-Herbs Interactions You Must Know


No doubts there are many beneficial herbs, which considered as dietary supplements.These herbal dietary supplements are provided to us in food, juices or we take its extracts in forms of capsules or powders.But many people ignore the side effects of herbs and its drugs interactions while taking a medication. They believe in nature, and think [...]

Risky Drugs-Herbs Interactions You Must Know2014-09-12T18:18:00+03:00