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Get to Know: What is Anemia


Anemia is what happens when your body doesn't have enough red blood cells or enough hemoglobin in it, the main role of red blood cells in our bodies is to deliver oxygen from the lungs to our cells and organs and then carry the carbon dioxide from the tissues back into the lungs so it [...]

Get to Know: What is Anemia2014-06-30T23:32:00+02:00

Prenatal Nutrition Tips


A healthy pregnant woman is definitely a happy woman, now how can you be a healthy pregnant woman? A good healthy diet is an important key to it. In fact, many of the same dietary elements needed for a non-pregnant woman to be healthy is still required during pregnancy only with higher demands. Proteins, carbohydrates [...]

Prenatal Nutrition Tips2016-11-05T21:55:25+02:00