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Concept of Treatment for OCD and ADD/ADHD


Both OCD and ADD/ADHD are mental illnesses that presume the fact of abnormal functioning of some parts of the brain. It means the person looks normal, acts mostly normal, can lead a normal life, but with some deviations caused by the symptoms created by these diseases. Since we are not talking about an injury, or [...]

Concept of Treatment for OCD and ADD/ADHD2016-11-16T14:51:24+02:00

OCD and anxiety


The connection between OCD and anxiety is very close. The very obsession, because of the way OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) manifests, is the one creating a deep feeling of anxiety. The truth is that OCD sufferers live in tension almost their entire time.You should make the following exercise to understand the way an OCD patient [...]

OCD and anxiety2015-12-17T01:55:38+02:00