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Travel Safe and Sleep Tight


    Traveling across many different time zones although being fun, and sometimes even necessary has one significant problem and that is Jet Lag.Jet lag is what happens when you have a circadian rhythm out of sync, confused by two very different time zones, circadian rhythm is an internal clock that controls the sleep wake cycle, [...]

Travel Safe and Sleep Tight2014-06-17T18:40:00+03:00

Types of Insomnia


Insomnia is a term that describes the inability to fall asleep or to stay asleep, waking up too early, or having an interrupted sleep several times through out the night are also signs of insomnia.Insomnia is what happens when there's a lack in either the amount or quality of sleep someone is getting.Types of InsomniaThe [...]

Types of Insomnia2014-06-13T14:23:00+03:00

Have a Good Night’s Sleep


Is it often that you feel like you are not getting enough sleep?Do you have trouble falling asleep at night?Do you feel your sleeping is uncomfortable and constantly interrupted, and wake up exhausted in the morning with hardly any energy for work?If the answer to these questions is YES on a daily basis then, you [...]

Have a Good Night’s Sleep2014-06-08T11:41:00+03:00

8 Hair Thinning Recovery Tips


Your hair requires a lot of caring and attentionIs your hair falling off, getting thinner, Are you getting constantly upset watching it go down? Well, here's the thing, hair falling is certainly a normal thing for any woman, once a strand of hair reaches the end of its life cycle, it naturally falls off to [...]

8 Hair Thinning Recovery Tips2014-06-02T20:40:00+03:00