As you may figure, men have stronger bones, with higher density, so they break harder. But when they do, rehabilitation is hard, long and might leave scars.
It is true that the percentage of men patients suffering from osteoporosis is smaller than the incidence found among women patients, but it is still happening.
Although fractures in men occur at a lower rate, bone fractures in men are much more severe, being the cause of physical disability and even death among men !
Risk factors of osteoporosis in men:
During young adulthood, when bones experience the most bone mass accumulation, the bodies of men manage to gather more bone mass than women. But there are still several risk factors that increase the incidence of osteoporosis in men like:
Things that might help prevent osteoporosis:
As a man, you can reduce the risk of breaking the bones and prevent getting ill, because of osteoporosis by:
1. Having a diet rich in nutrients such as vitamin D and minerals like calcium and phosphorus.
2. Making constant physical exercises, like weight pulling and lifting, playing tennis or even jogging can help a lot, more than you can imagine.
3. The increase of testosterone will also help enhance the density of the bones, especially in the cases of the ones who lack the appropriate amount of this hormone.
4. Among the group of tested and approved medicines, the bis-phosphonate drug group is used on a large scale as a treatment drug.
Our lifestyle holds the answer
But as in any disease, prevention is the best treatment.
– Be careful about your diet, physical status and make sure to have an active life, full of various exercises out in the open. It will significantly reduce the risk of suffering from osteoporosis.
– Taking care of your body in the young adulthood and as well during the adult life, will ensure a healthy body and a robust bone system.
– If the daily schedule does not permit eating a diverse and complete menu, you can always refill the calcium reserve, for stronger bones, using calcium supplements.
– Osteoporosis is a very uncomfortable disease, so taking action before anything unwanted happens will increase the chances that the illness will never affect you.