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4 Lifestyle Modifications to Overcome Osteoarthritis


When you have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis, you have to make a lot of lifestyle changes as this disorder cannot be cured completely. You have to learn to live with it and reduce the discomfort and pain by making the necessary changes in your daily life. Managing the pain and the stiffness of the joints [...]

4 Lifestyle Modifications to Overcome Osteoarthritis2017-02-10T17:59:18+02:00

Osteoarthritis of the Knee (Reasons and Treatment)


Osteoarthritis of the knee affects some people due to hereditary factors, many others get it due to injuries or infections and most overweight people also get this disorder. Osteoarthritis of the knee is commonly called as "wear and tear arthritis" in which the cartilages in the knee joints wear away, and make the ends of [...]

Osteoarthritis of the Knee (Reasons and Treatment)2017-02-10T18:02:32+02:00

Osteoarthritis of the Hip (Causes, Symptoms and Treatment)


Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that is mostly related to the age of the patient, as more people are affected by this disease as they get older. Osteoarthritis causes the cartilage of the joints to break down leading to severe pain, inflammation and stiffness, interfering with the normal usage of the joint. With the [...]

Osteoarthritis of the Hip (Causes, Symptoms and Treatment)2017-02-10T18:03:31+02:00

Weird Facts and Statistics About Osteoarthritis


Osteoarthritis, also known as "degenerative arthritis" or "degenerative joint disease", is a word that sounds rather familiar to a considerable number of people. Maybe you are already affected by this illness, or have a family member or relative suffering from osteoarthritis. Yes, facts and statistics made on this subject show that a significant number of [...]

Weird Facts and Statistics About Osteoarthritis2016-11-05T22:08:51+02:00