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Types of ADD/ADHD


ADHD "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder" is a psychiatric disorder getting more and more common among young children and may continue on through out adolescence, as a rule, children find it hard to pay attention when told, they are energetic and always looking for ways to have fun however, if you suspect your child to be [...]

Types of ADD/ADHD2014-05-31T22:37:00+03:00

Signs and Symptoms of ADD/ADHD in Children


ADHD "Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder" is a mental disease unfortunately becoming more well known and wide spread among children, ADHD has three main subtypes and various symptoms to identify.Children's enthusiasm and fun loving nature is what makes them children, their tendency to lose focus sometimes when distracted by something they find more interesting is another [...]

Signs and Symptoms of ADD/ADHD in Children2014-05-19T19:10:00+03:00