Oral Health

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Inflamed Gums (Gingivitis) Causes, Symptoms and Treatment


Inflamed gums can occur due to various causes. Usually, this gum disease may be accompanied by bad breath or continuous bleeding. This comes with swelling of the gums and this is enough to make you feel the pain and make you uncomfortable throughout the day. When you have an inflamed gum you will not be [...]

Inflamed Gums (Gingivitis) Causes, Symptoms and Treatment2017-04-08T00:27:15+02:00

Bumps on Back of Tongue


Your body is a very intricate mechanism. The tongue is a very important muscle that helps us during the feeding process. Yes, it is a muscle in case you didn’t know. It is also very sensitive, being capable of sensing textures and tastes, with the help of taste buds. But what if other bumps appear [...]

Bumps on Back of Tongue2017-04-08T00:30:36+02:00

All You Need to Know About Headgear Braces


Sometimes, in order to have the teeth we’ve always wanted, there is the need to make some aesthetical compromises. And these compromises come in the shape of the headgear braces. They can help you have well aligned and straight teeth, but for some, these are real medical equipment that will help them from developing more [...]

All You Need to Know About Headgear Braces2017-04-08T00:33:28+02:00